Which brings me to my next point...I love snow! As long as I don't have to be out driving around in it, I say let it snow! We had a little unexpected snowstorm this week, and I've been trapped in the house since Tuesday. I've read, cleaned out my closet, done some laundry, cooked, and generally just hung out. It feels wonderful. I ventured out briefly today, and my road was still totally covered. The snow plow come by this morning at 7AM, it took the top layer of snow off and left the ice underneath. FAIL!
At some point today I was headed home, and I looked down. I had on a puffy vest, a furry hat, big sunglasses, and I was holding a Starbucks cup. I looked like an extra from some movie about skiing. It was fairly hilarious. No matter how hoity-toity my snow bunny outfit made me feel, walking back in the door at home brought me right back down to Earth. My kitty, who had assumed after 3 days at home that I had become a stay at home cat mother, pinned me down and made me pet him for an hour. Nothing like my cat to remind me what my true purpose of life is.

(This picture does not have a filter. It was just very sunny in a specific spot in my car.)

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