I am doing this challenge with Jen, so you should check out her photos too!
Day 30: In Motion
This picture of Jackson was taken last weekend. He "parkour-ed" over a log. I just thought it was so funny looking. It actually looks like he tripped over the log, but I assure you that he meant to do that.
Day 29: Purchased
It's a good thing we weren't spending more time in Walmart, because Jen and I were in the store for just a few minutes on Saturday, and I bought 3 pair of shoes. I probably could have found a 4th pair, but Jen stopped me. That's what friends are for.

Day 28: Daily Routine
My mornings are not always the same. Sometimes I watch Good Morning America and drink coffee, and other times I jump right up and raring to go. Here's the constant - brushing my teeth. If a drug addict ever broke into my medicine cabinet, he or she would be very disappointed. On the left side I have rubbing alcohol and bandaids, and on the right side I have dental hygiene products. That's it.

Day 27: After Dark
By far one of the coolest things I've ever experienced is the night the drive-in had to close for fog. I worked in the ticket booth at Parkway Drive-In Theatre for 3 years, and one night in 2011 the densest, fastest moving fog I've ever seen rolled in. You could not see 2 feet in front of you. The strong light from the projector couldn't cut through the fog, and it bounced off the mists before ever making it to the screen. I tried to take a picture from the ticket booth toward the concessions stand (a building that I can normally see with ease), and my pictures were just a gray blur. I turned toward the road where the fog originated and I could just barely make out a street light. I took a picture, and you can see a tree and a swirling mist. It looks fake, but I swear it isn't.
Day 26: Something Old
The house that I currently live in is the house that I grew up in. All through my childhood we had this horrible brown shag carpet in the living room (hey, it was the 80's). One year my mom and I pulled it up to replace it and discovered that underneath there were beautiful hardwood floors from the 1930's. My step-dad refinished them, and this is how they look now. They haven't been stained or anything. There is just a layer of polyurethane.

Day 25: Sunflare
Not only did I not take this picture specifically for the challenge, but this picture is downright old! I took it in 2008 with a 2.0 MP camera on my LG EnV phone (which I still love and miss to this day). Brad B, Anthony S, and I were on top of the Park Vista hotel in Gatlinburg shooting some footage for a commercial, and I snapped this pic on the way back to the car. It is one of my all-time favorite pictures because there is no filter or Photoshop at work. It's just a cool shot.
Here's a bonus picture of what my EnV looked like in case you are curious.

Day 24: A Smile
Surprise! Technically this is a picture of an X-ray, so it counts. In March I had my wisdom teeth out, and this was the X-ray they took beforehand. I was a big weenie about the procedure because I had never had anesthesia before. I've also never had a cavity, a stitch, a broken bone, etc etc etc. The fact that I made it until I was 30 without any of those things was pretty impressive, but eventually my wisdom teeth couldn't be ignored anymore. The procedure was so smooth, and it made all my worrying seem ridiculous (although to be fair, everyone told me that I was much too old for the procedure, and that my healing would take forever). My doctor was a super hottie, so I probably wouldn't have minded a few follow-up visits, but I guess I'll take health over a cute doctor.

Day 23: Sunset
Ok, you caught me. This picture was taken AFTER day 23, but I'm trying to catch up with this challenge. Jen, Greg, and I went to a hot air balloon festival, and this was one of the first pictures I took there. If it wasn't for the company, I would have probably had a terrible time, but we seem to have fun wherever we go. Thank goodness because this festival was a little, um... We'll just say it didn't meet my expectations.

Day 22: Trees
This is a tree singular, but it is my favorite picture of a tree ever taken. I think it looks like a postcard, but I actually took this picture with my phone in January 2012. Can't you just hear the calypso music and smell the tanning lotion?

Freeport, Bahamas
Day 21: Pretty Pattern
My type of patterns are the ones that appear as though they were found in an old, crumbling castles. I love history and the glamour of days gone by. Sadly, I can't afford this kind of opulence, but I made do with what I have. Behold: my bedroom curtains.

Day 20: What I Read
My love for books surpasses my love for almost everything else. I have always loved to read, and I get really really emotionally invested. Divergent is the book I'm trying to read at the moment, although I'm having a hard time getting into it. I got it for my birthday, and the fact that it's been over a month and I haven't finished it yet... we'll just blame it on my schedule right now.

Day 19: Where I Slept
Beds are for full nights of sleep. Couches are for napping. (To be totally honest, I can sleep anywhere anytime.) This is where my naps take place.

Day 18: In My Bag
I carry a lot with me. I love big bags (and I cannot lie), and I do my best to fill them up. If I took everything out of my bag, I'd need a helicopter to take an aerial photograph. Here are a few things I'm never without: bugspray, lip color of some sort, 2 or more wallets, my cellphone, and keys. In this photo I highlighted 2 other things I'm never without: a makeup bag from Ulta (thanks Jennifer B!) and one dollar bills.

Day 17: On the Shelf
Is it possible to decorate with shelves? If you've ever been in my bedroom, the answer is yes! I have several shelves with bottles of nail polish, perfume, and various assorted girly things. Here is one shelf with perfume. I like the shadow in the picture better than the actual bottles.

Day 16: What I Ate
Yesterday I went to the TN Valley Fair and ate all kinds of horrible fried things. Not horrible tasting. On the contrary, they were quite delicious and the only real reason I wanted to go to the fair. I'm sure they were horrible for me though. Today, I'm working on a cleanse.

(a corn dog, fried pickles, and fried Oreos in case you are curious)
Day 15: My Shoes
I'm a cheater! I took a picture of Romeo a while back, and I put it on Twitter because I thought it was hilarious that my kitty likes to hide among my shoes. It's not as if he'll never be found there! Anyway, this is that picture, and I didn't take it just for this challenge, but who cares?

Day 14: Flowers
I am not a flower type of girl. I don't hate them or anything. If someone gives me some, I appreciate them. However, I don't have a favorite flower. I don't need fresh flowers in a vase to spruce up any room, and I sure as heck am not getting out to plant any. I like the way they smell. That's about it. Here are some cherry blossom flowers on a painting hanging in my hallway. They may very literally be the only flowers in my whole house (I don't count the ones on the sheets in the Kindle Fire picture. They are more cartoon than flower).

Day 13: From a Distance
I really hated this one for some reason. Isn't it frowned upon to take pictures from a distance? You can't make out anyone's face, and it looks like you are too far from the action. I took a picture of nothing really. It is the view looking down my road from the kitchen window.

Day 12: Close-Up
I chose the most unwilling subject for my close-up: my cat Romeo. I did not name him. He's not actually a Romeo. He's like most cats - very into himself and cares little about others. Getting in his face and expecting him to hold still without bribing him with petting or treats was ambitious. Thankfully, this is only the second picture I had to take. In the first one he dodged at just the right moment. He took the time in this one to give me a look that says "You'd better get that camera out of my face!"

Day 11: Something Fun
One of my all-time favorite past times is reading. It's fabulous, and I don't have to convince you of that because you are obviously READING as well. Surely you don't read blogs as punishment. Anyway, here is my Kindle Fire and the Jane Austen cover. I'm not actually a fan of Austen, but I liked the case.

Side note: Jane supposedly wrote sassy, feminist characters before that was acceptable, but they weren't sassy enough for me. I need SASS-A-FRAS!
Day 10: Something I Made
I'd like to introduce you to Bernie.

We are involved. I love him very much, and he tolerates my mood swings. Basically Bernie is an Octopus drawn on a Danish map of the Himalayan mountains and surrounding areas. He has bicycle eyes. Why in the world would I make such a thing? Well, I saw this and loved it.

Unfortunately it was not for sale as anything other than a t-shirt, and I just had to have it! I am not an artist, but I think Bernie is pretty great. If you don't like him, then you are a røvbanan (Danish word for assbanana).
Day 9: Faceless Self Portrait
This one was a lot harder/weirder than I anticipated. In Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (don't judge me) a character Lena paints portraits of her own feet because they are an easy subject. I actually hate

Day 8: Technology
When we were talking yesterday about which technology we were going to represent in our pictures, Jen said, "it doesn't have to be new technology". Too true! This fit my day yesterday because I woke up at 5:00 AM (on my day OFF!) and watched 3 80s movies back to back. This was one of them.

I love this movie. I grew up watching it over and over with my mom who loves Diane Keaton. To this day my mom thinks every single town north of Washington DC looks like the Vermont town in Baby Boom. We met a lady from Connecticut on vacation last month, and upon hearing she was from CT, my mom responded with "I love the movie Baby Boom". To be fair to my mom, I think this is a rather sweet and gentle assumption about New England. At least she isn't afraid they are all like New Yorkers and clutch her purse to her chest. And let's be honest, Northerners have a mental image of Southerners and it's more Beverly Hillbillies than Steel Magnolias.
Ok that was a tangent. The point is: Great movies transcend technology. If you love a movie *cough*Worst Witch*cough*, it doesn't matter that it may have TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, 80's special effects. I love Baby Boom, and I don't care that women wear shoulder pads or that this movie is totally sexist. I don't even care that is on VHS. And for your information I was not kind, and I did not rewind.
Day 7: Something New
On day 7, I went to a UT football game with Jen and Greg. We had a blast AND we won! I bought this jersey a while ago to wear to an early season game, but it was so hot on Saturday that I couldn't bring myself to wear anything black or with sleeves. Alas, this jersey is still new. Maybe next game...

Day 6: Childhood Memory
Christmas in my house was always a big deal. It is my mom's favorite time of year, and we always start prepping for it as soon as Thanksgiving dinner has been eaten. I like this picture (of a picture) from my childhood because 1) I'm so cute! 2) My mom looks then a little bit like I look now and 3) my grandmother and her mother didn't always get along. It's rare to find them in a photo together, and 4 generations in a photo...well that's just precious.

Day 5: Someone I Love
Without a doubt, I love my mom. Sometimes we drive each other crazy (we are too much alike, and we are both too stubborn to admit it). I took a different picture of the 2 of us, but I prefer this one that was taken 3 weeks ago at the beach. We just look so darn happy!

There is also this one, which she will KILL me for posting, but I think it is too adorable!

Day 4: Favorite Color
Well this was the easiest challenge ever. Anyone who knows me knows that I love black. If you don't know me, let me start by saying that I'm not goth or emo or Wednesday Addams. Black is classy and simple. It's hard to be over or underdressed in basic black. It looks good on almost everyone, and it is easy to match. And of course, the old saying is true: it is slimming.
The hardest part of this was trying to figure out what to make the subject of my picture. I couldn't decide so I made a collage.

Here are the pictures from left to right, top to bottom:
1. My favorite beverage, Coke Zero, just so happens to come in a black can.
2. My nails and my laptop as they look right this minute.
3. One of my many pairs of fabulous heels.
4. Two of the 632137965 black purses I own.
5. Another of my obsessions - sunglasses
6. Even my hair is dark (by design, not nature).
Day 3: Clouds
There is a saying in East Tennessee that if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change. This morning at 4:30 AM I was awakened by the 2nd scariest thunderstorm ever. (The first scariest was when I was at work at the drive-in theater in what is essentially a glass phone booth with a tin roof. A porta-potty flew by. Then a tree flew by. Then the power went out, and I couldn't tell what was flying by. I was prepared to meet my maker. As you can see, I survived.) For the 2nd scariest, however I was sleeping cozily in my bed. Intense thunder woke me up, and the lightning was so bright and so close I considered grabbing my cat and getting under the bed. As you can see, I survived that one too.
The moral of this story is that it turned out to be a beautiful day. For now.

Day 2: What I Wore
Unfortunately this challenge fell on one of the most boring wardrobe days ever. I actually like fashion and like dressing up. However, I had to work 9 hours at the thrift store (and we were having a big sale so it was busy) and then go to my Grandmother's house to paint her bedroom. I needed something functional and comfortable. Denim shorts and my Mighty Duck t-shirt was just the thing!
BTW Amy <3 Joshua Jackson = 4ever

Day 1: Self Portrait
Like Jen, I hate taking a self portrait. I feel weird, like I'm trying to be a teenager or something. I guess I equate selfies with teenagers because I was a teenager when the idea of turning the camera around and holding it at arm's length became a popular idea. Although back then we had to wait until we used the rest of the roll, developed the film, and then see if you accidentally cut 1/2 your friend's face out of the shot. Oh, the good old days. Anyway, I took this photo at 11:30 PM (just barely making it in under the wire of Sept 1st). I was in bed with no makeup on when I remembered the challenge. Also, I didn't use a filter. Behold the glory that is my natural face.

Yes, it is weirdly angled and a little close for someone with crazy long arms like me. Basically I was trying to angle it so you couldn't tell I was in bed. I didn't want it to look like one of those photos.
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