Friday, July 19, 2013

A few words about customer service...

Even when you own the company, sometimes you have to be on the front line dealing with the public. Seeing as I am not a people person, this has never been one of my favorite parts of gainful employment. I'd love to have a job *cough*WRITER*cough* where I don't have to see the majority of bargain hunting tourists on their way to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. For now, however, I suffer in silence. One thing I do love is lists, so... let's make a list of customers I love to hate!

1. The oversharer: This person has absolutely no problem telling you all about their son who is in jail for hitting his pregnant girlfriend, their need for adult diapers, and everything their doctor learned from their recent blood test. If you are lucky, they'll skip the backstory (which can take FOR-EV-ER) and just jump right in and assume you know them and everyone they know.
(There are a few customers that I have a rapport with. I actually enjoy their stories and want to know about their family. The oversharer is more than likely someone I've never met.)

2. The undersharer: This person doesn't talk at all. Ever. You can ask them if they are ready to check out because they are standing an ambivalent distance from the cash register, but don't expect a response. You can tell them "Thanks! Have a nice day!" but they won't say it back to you. Because they don't care if you have a nice day. You are just the hired help. Either that or they are a deaf mute.

3. The licker: Don't you ever lick your fingers when you are counting out money to me! Crazy sycophant! (BTW, I do actually know what sycophant means, and it is not used correctly here. It's an in-joke, grammar Nazi!)

4. The person who puts change on the counter even though I am holding out my hand: Pretty self-explanatory. I'm literally holding out my hand to accept your change. Why would you bypass my hand to put it on the counter just to make me pick it up again? WHY?!

5. The person who doesn't know when to stay home: If you are sick, stay home. If you are too lazy to put on clothes and decide to just throw on unlaced work boots under your nightgown, stay home. If you haven't bathed in 3 days and smell like hot, wet garbage, please for the love of God, stay home!

6. The insulter: "This thrift store smells like someone's grandma's garage." Guess what! WE SELL USED SHIZ! This ain't Bloomingdales, lady. Insulting my business, our prices, the things we sell, or even the weather is going to piss me off (even if I secretly agree with you). Keep it to yourself, A-Hole.

VIDEO: SNL - The A-Holes

7. The "helpful" one: "This one is $.99. It should come to $1.08 after tax. I'll give you a five, and you give me back 3.92." Hey, helpy helper. I've got this. Thanks, but I can add and subtract all by myself!

8. The preoccupied mother: No, I will not watch your children. No, I will not let you know your baby just picked up a thumb tack and put it in it's mouth. No, I will not think it's cute when you smile and tell me that your ankle biter just broke something but your husband only gave you $10 to spend for the week, and you can't afford to buy it. I don't know you. I don't know your child. When you take it in public, put it in a stroller or on a leash!

9. The curious cat: For some reason, I have more of this type of customer than all the others combined. They stand in front of the bathroom and ask if we have a bathroom. They ask if we have boy's clothes in a size 8 with Transformers on the shirts. They ask if I know what this random kitchen gadget is for. They ask if I know anything about a piece of furniture. I know it was donated. That's about it. Use your eyeballs and/or your imagination.

10. The permission seeker: "I'm just going to look around. Is that ok?" No. We force people to buy things with their eyes shut. "Can I use this public bathroom?" It's actually an empty elevator shaft, so aren't you glad you asked first?

And just so I don't sound like an awful tyrant, let's list 5 customers I didn't think I'd enjoy but I do

1. The hipster: As people they are super annoying. As thrift store customers, they appreciate the cheap and eclectic.

2. Brides: There is nothing better than a crafty bride when you work at a thrift store. Everything has possibilities. They can look it up on Pintrest and make something magical. Plus they have big budgets.

3. Children buying books: Enough said. I see some of my childhood self in you, tiny readers.

4. Lonely old ladies: Seeing as I plan on becoming a lonely, old, spinster woman, I have a soft spot for these ladies. They just want fabric for their sewing machines or some powder for their feet. The best things in life are simple pleasures.

5. Nope, I can only think of 4. I am an awful tyrant.

PS: I love the majority of my customers. I am really lucky to do what I do. There is just that 1% that drives me insane!