If you know me, you know that normally I do not celebrate New Year's Eve. Nine years ago on December 31 as the clock struck midnight, my step-dad had an accident that ultimately resulted in his death after 5 days in the ICU. Ever since then, the idea of celebrating (or even staying awake) for the midnight countdown made me squeamish. Since then I've been working on viewing Tony's life as a blessing - and that includes his death. If given the chance, of course I'd love to have him back, but that would require changing a plan that God has for my life. Instead it has taken me nearly a decade, but I have come to understand that I don't always need to understand. I just need to trust.
In church yesterday we had a guest speaker that touched on the subject of the new year. He said that we shouldn't just say "ugh, another year". We should run screaming toward 2014 like "look out, here I come!" The seasons and years will change regardless of whether you drag your feet or jump in anticipation. I don't give a flip about being another year older, so why dread the coming year? I know I've got a ton of blessings in store, so I'm running toward them.
I had a wonderful Christmas, although I'm glad it is over now. I felt the hectic holiday schedule as I'm sure most other people did too. I didn't get to spend it doing what I wanted to do (pajamas, hot chocolate, board games, not leaving the house), but I spent it with family and ultimately had a good time. During some of my Christmas activities the idea of Christ-centered Christmas traditions was brought up. I try my best to remember the reason for the season, but I don't actually have any Christian Christmas traditions. I put up a tree and watch lots of movies, but I don't so much as own a nativity. This year I started a new tradition where I give a gift to Jesus (I'm a wise woman, after all). It could be something good (a promise to volunteer regularly) or something bad that we wanted Him to destroy for us. I chose to give him my bad language. It may be a controversial idea, but I don't think cussing is a sin. However, I don't want anyone else to look at me and think negatively of God or Christianity because of the words coming out of my mouth. Therefore, I'm saying adios to all my bad words. I don't need them anyway. I have an extensive vocabulary. Let's bring that out and dust it off!
Since I don't normally celebrate New Year's, I also usually don't make resolutions, but I think I'll change that this year too. I'd love to be more organized. My house is always a wreck, I procrastinate anything and everything I don't want to do, I have ticket stubs from 2005 that are waiting to be scrapbooked, and sometimes I realize it's been 20 days since I last checked the mail. I don't even have children as an excuse. I'm going to make this year the year that I become organized for good. I may even make a blog schedule, although we'll see about that. Let's not get too crazy.